Sunday, May 27, 2012

TeamLava Constantly Accuses That I Have a "Dirty" Mouth

Disclaimer: This is a clean post with one curse word.

I'm a chatty neighbor. Those who've seen me on the forums (when I was more active) and who are my good neighbors will agree. I have around 15-25 neighbors intentionally since I prefer having a select few who I get to know better. Well one neighbor in particular, she knows who she is, seems to always get the worst side of me...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Workaround: Gems from Dragon Story Goal

We all know the game updates, with the Dragon Story goals, have some nasty "features" we don't want, especially Farm 2.0.1, so here's a work around for those who haven't updated to the latest update, but still want the 6G per game you get from downloading Dragon Story. The specific instructions are for iOS since they are the only platform that has goals. Keep in mind, if you are viewing this in the future, long after the first day this is posted, this may no longer be a promotion.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dragon Story: DragonVale Rip Off

HAHA. I know why TL doesn't like players posting to third-party websites on their forums... It's because they can't censor those materials outside of their forums. ^.~.

So a member was asking about Dragon Story farming and dragon leveling. I posted on the TeamLava forums that I do not play their DragonStory but do play DragonVale by BackFlip Studios which they ripped off (I'm not the only one who's noticed: Dragon Story vs DragonVale Review). I then went on to speculate that Dragon Story dragon leveling is likely similar to DragonVale.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pre-Interview with Yanochka

Updated: 5/17/2012

I am giving players a month to come up with their own questions they would like to ask her and then will paste her response to the questions in another post.


-Gender: Female

-Age or range (e.g. 20s)

-How'd you come up with your ID? Does it mean anything?

-Do you do any gardening in real life? What other hobbies do you have?

-What do you do for a living?

-Most of us know you're from Russia. Do you visit often? What do you like most about that place? Least?

-Share a bit of your personal life, that you're willing.

-Share a bit of your family history (parents/grandparents' lives), that you're willing. - RealFarmer1222

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Entertainment, One Wall Post at a Time

Updated: 5/4/2012

A list of some funny/entertaining wall posts I found in a thread and two from my neighbor, to start us off. Before I begin, I did not come up with any of these. :3.