Sunday, May 27, 2012

TeamLava Constantly Accuses That I Have a "Dirty" Mouth

Disclaimer: This is a clean post with one curse word.

I'm a chatty neighbor. Those who've seen me on the forums (when I was more active) and who are my good neighbors will agree. I have around 15-25 neighbors intentionally since I prefer having a select few who I get to know better. Well one neighbor in particular, she knows who she is, seems to always get the worst side of me...

First I'd like to say, I (carefully and intentionally) have one of the cleanest (almost to the point of professional) mouths online. (A huge exception is the occasional use of "crap." To me, it isn't even "profanity" since I usually use it lovingly to refer to a group of items I like. Thus when I'm angry/irritated and use it, I don't even realize it.) Offline... that's a different story. I have an innocent appearance and people are always surprised when a curse word slips out. xD! Though I do not use curses regularly; I am mostly a good girl...

Well in TL's opinion, a particular neighbor of mine always seems to be really good at letting my bad side shine. o_O. I'm constantly getting the "Your message contains inappropriate word(s).  Please enter a new message." pop-up when I try to post on her wall. O_o. She's one of the reasons I started the "Inappropriate" Words article on my TL Story Games Guide website.

Now for your reading pleasures, the "inappropriate" words that come out of my filthy mouth, bolded below for your enjoyment. :O.

"I think it's a glitch." This one made me want to turn around and add, "bitch," which would have gone through just peachy.

"Just in time to harvest my bananas!" All is fine until you get too excited about "nas".

In Empire Story,  "Yeah, the Imperial Palace is new." Palaces are no pals of TL, I guess.

Just today she got me saying "Is 5 mil 20x23? You're missing that or 23x26."

If you're curious how I know exactly what is being flag, when I get that pop-up, I try to remember what exactly I wrote. Then on my wall, I will write the message and copy it. If I still get the pop-up, then I will carefully go through and edit the message until I find exactly what doesn't (and thereby what does) flag the system. The hardest one so far has been "nas!" I wasn't expecting the exclamation mark to be the point of failure. ^^''.

Comment below? Do you have a weird "inappropriate" word? [Feel free to also comment at the bottom of the "Inappropriate" Words article if you encounter one later and have issues finding this post.] I will add it to my article.

Thanks for reading! Show the world some pika love! Share. :).


  1. I wonder why though. I found out today when Itried to write glitching that its an "inappropriate word" like... What?

  2. I don't know why 23x is bad
